Small Group Bible Studies

We believe that small group Bible studies are an important means of growing in fellowship with God and each other. At Res Pres, our primary small group avenue is called RPI Groups (Res Pres Intensives). For those that cannot make these work, we offer some other options that typically have a lower level of commitment.  Below is information on our current slate of small group Bible studies.

RPI (Res Pres Intensives)

The ResPres Intensive (RPI) is a small group initiative for those who are looking for more depth, and have the space for more commitment. This is a primary avenue for connection for those who regularly attend ResPres. These groups will be holistic in their approach, incorporating the elements of: bible/book study, sharing and praying. There will be a study guide that each group will follow, covering various biblical, theological, and "life" issues. The overall goal will be to grow in grace (2 Peter 3.18) and to establish connection with each other. These groups will be structured in a "guided-discussion" format, i.e not "taught." We are asking for a 1-year commitment to these groups, and they are available to anyone who is a regular attender of ResPres. If you are interested in joining an RPI group, click on the button below.

Sign Ups are now open for RPI groups , our small group Bible studies that will meet during the fall and spring. Groups will begin September 4th. Everyone interested will need to sign up, even if you have previously been in a RPI group. Check out our promo video for more info and sign up using the link below.



Book of Philemon and Colossians

thursday Mornings at 6:45am

Resurrection Presbyterian office Space

at 4424 Sutherland Avenue

Men’s studies begins Thursday, Sept. 7th

We will meet at out office (4424 Sutherland Ave.)

Please reach out to Jordan Wright if you have any questions.

woMen’s bible study (Sept. 7th)


Thursday mornings at 10:00am
Resurrection Presbyterian (Upper Office) Space

at 4424 Sutherland Avenue

Text Lee Ann Webster if you can come! 865-384-7897

These studies are open to any and all.  We know that bible studies, at times, can be intimidating because of the potential lack of familiarity or relational discomfort.  Please know that we will create an atmosphere of of humility and hospitality.  We assume that there will be people who have a fair degree of biblical knowledge, and there will be people there who know very little about the bible and have never been a part of a small group.  Our hope is to have committed followers of Christ and skeptics alike (and all in between). No pretense, no pressure.  Just a group gathering to extend fellowship and cultivate discussion over God's word.