February 16th, Middle School will meet at the church from 5:00-6:30pm with dinner, and High School will start at 6:30pm at the church and end with dinner out.
At Res Pres, we long to engage our youth in a manner that takes them seriously as thoughtful members and participants in the body of Christ while also recognizing that middle school and high school are unique stages in life that present specific needs and challenges. Our youth team cares deeply for the young people in our youth group and works hard to connect on their level, build community, and contextualize the gospel for this unique stage. Our primary avenue of ministry is our Sunday evening gathering, which combines lots of fun and community-building with gospel-centered teaching, and we are working toward a more robust small group and 1-1 ministry. Like all ministries in our church, Res Pres Youth welcomes all to become part of this community and encounter Jesus, whether as a committed member of our church, or as a seeker or skeptic.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE EMAIL: lucas@resurrectionknoxville.com
Youth Intern - Perry Pearson
Youth Intern - Andrew Perry